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Productivity and Proverbs 31 Podcast

I have been praying over this podcast for months, dreaming about spreading this message for years, and the day has finally come.
I just hit publish on my very first podcast episode.
I created this podcast for moms. Moms who are worn out. Moms who feel like they’re stuck in survival mode with no end in sight. Moms who are searching for hope, relief, time to breathe. You see, a little over 30 years ago, I was that mom. And you better believe I still feel overwhelmed from time to time even now.
Want to know how I moved forward back then? And how I continue to grow today? I cried out to God, and I asked for His help.
God met me right where I was. I had young toddlers at home, a house that was out of control, and I desperately needed some relief.
I am so grateful for how He has carried me through every season, and now He is asking me to tell the story.
Once a week, I will be sending a new episode out into the world. Tune in if you want to hear about motherhood, Jesus, business, and getting things done! I want to come alongside you, sweet sister friend. I want to help you go from surviving to thriving!
You are doing a great job, mama. I hope this podcast will encourage you and remind you that you’re not alone.
Is your prayer time in need of a refresh? Download the freebies below!

If you are craving peace and a
deeper relationship with The Lord, I
wrote this one for you!
Download my 10 favorite ways to make
quiet time an every day practice in your
life. I created this for the mom who is
seeking connection even when she feels
like she has no more time to give.

Instead of chasing after that imaginary
idea of a “perfect quiet time,” I want to
help you reevaluate and get back to the most
important piece- building a relationship
with God.
Download my 7 best tips on how to invite
God into the little everyday moments
of motherhood.