Busy schedules, responsibilities and no desire to go to the gym? I totally understand! Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. After all, people have been burning calories since before gyms were even invented.
Here are 15 easy, but unconventional exercises you can add to your normal routine to increase your movement and add steps to your day! If you are looking for ways to get extra steps in on your fitbit, apple watch, or activity tracker, keep reading! If you find yourself laughing as try to do some of the moves, GREAT! That is not only a mood lifter, but burns more calories. Don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself and lighten up!!
- Shower Squats
The can happen during your shower, but I prefer after. I started with this one because it comes with a clean shower bonus. Purchase a nice quality squeegee. After your shower wipe down the shower using your squeegee. Begin at the top and squat as you go all the way to the floor. By using a deep squat rather than bending over you will feel the thigh, core and butt engage! I counted my “swipes” this morning. It took me 20 passes to do each wall of the shower-aka 20 squats without working out.
- Hair Dryer Leg Lifts
This exercise will work your core, thighs, hips, outer thighs, inner thighs and buttocks depending on how it’s done. Basically, this is a leg lift done while drying or styling your hair. Pull stomach in, balance on one leg and lift the opposite to the side, in front and behind. Begin with 10 on each side and back for your glutes. Increase in small increments daily. This one is tricky and a bit harder than it sounds if you maintain good balance.
- Conference Call Pacing
This is one I have been doing for years and you can log a lot of miles if you decide to give it a try. The next time you are on a call simply start walking the inside perimeter of your house. Do laps around the kitchen island, step over the laundry and errant shoes, go through the bedrooms and livings spaces. Bonus Move: add stairs in! Go up and down stairs as you talk. Make laps as long as you are on the phone.
- Desktop/hard surface incline pushups
So much bang for your buck with this one! Set a timer to go off every hour at an odd time. When it goes off, get up, place your hands on the side of an immovable surface and do as many incline pushups as you can. Don’t skip this one if you don’t have a lot of upper body strength. Tighten your core and do as many as you can. Keep heels on the ground and you will feel the stretch! Bonus Move: Change your grip. Move hands closer together. That alone is a game changer.
- Laundry Basket Lunges
This one is a challenging move that you may need to work up to. Remember good form always! As you go from your laundry collection area to your laundry room lunge your way! (And it doesn’t need to be your laundry room, it can be from a back wall to the kitchen) Take a step with a lunge, lift up bringing feet together. Step forward with the opposite leg bending knee to do another lunge. Repeat until you arrive at your destination. If I do 10 in a row I am feeling it for sure!
BONUS MOVE: Add your full laundry basket as a weight. Amazing how much harder it is!
- Triceps Buggy Pull
Thinking about writing this blog yesterday while shopping I inadvertently came up with this one, but it’s great. Walk on the side and to the front of your shopping cart. Hold onto the side vs the back handle. Pull your buggy toward you using your triceps. After you take 10 steps or so, alternate to the other side. AMAZING how this one will work your arms if you do it throughout the store especially as you add weight to the cart!
- Gas Pump Step Ups
For this one you have to get over what you THINK folks will THINK of you. Do you care about their opinion or getting more fit? As you do your gas fill up. Step up onto the ledge of the gas pump. Alternate legs so that you are balanced in your workout. If you were sucking fumes as you pulled in, this can be a heart rate booster. BONUS: Stand on the edge and simply do calf raises. You will be surprised how many you can get it before the pump clicks off!
- Water Bottle Filling Station
![Get extra steps in while filling your water bottle](https://kathylanham.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/estera-nicoi-Y2IP-CfSc1U-unsplash-218x300.jpg)
This one is so easy you’ll wonder why you haven’t been doing it all along. As you fill or re-fill your water bottle (remember you need to be drinking at least 64 oz a day!) Do side and back leg lifts. Count to see how many you can do before you fill your container up. To be balanced, do the opposite leg. Depending on the size of your water bottle this could be broken up to do half on one leg and then switch to the other.
- Dining Room/Desk/Conference Table Leg Lifts
As we sit for a meeting be it Zoom at our own dining room table or desk or actually at work try this for a great thigh builder and workout. Lift knee slightly to a 90 degree angle. Then, stretch lower leg up to straight. Do 10xs on each side. If stretching would kick the person across the table, modify by just lifting from the quad and hip. Easy modification, flex foot and then point toe for variety.
- Podcast Power Steps
Do you listen to a podcast during the day? If not, you should for some personal development! (That was a bonus) If so, simply power walk as you listen. This can also be done while on a tread mill, walking outside, biking etc. Do more than one activity at a time! Add steps to any passive activity you do mindlessly!! BONUS Move dance a little for more fun!
- Shower High Steps
This one is such an easy, but effective way to get your blood pumping! As you shower, simply do a high step in place. Bend your knee and lift up to 90 degrees, pointing your toe as you lift. Be Careful, if your eyes are closed your balance will be challenged. Safety first, I don’t want emails telling me you slipped and fell! Be safe and deliberate.
- Walk the long way around
It’s an old trick to park far, far away at the grocery store, mall or work to increase your daily steps. While that’s a great strategy, I’m offering innovative and unconventional methods! For this one, deliberately do multiple trips through your house to collect laundry or trash. Do park away from a store, but then, return your shopping cart ALL THE WAY BACK INTO the store. It does take a minute or two more, so you have to do it at a brisker pace than you would normally employ! Bonus, it gets your heart rate up.
- Intentional Arm Swings & Lifts
It’s no secret that I am working on toning my upper arms! I would love for the “flap” to disappear. As you are walking ANYWHERE, swing your arms with a wide arc focusing on being intentional to actually work the arm, not just letting inertia and gravity do the work. BONUS MOVE: LIFT both arms at the same time- to the front and then to the side 10 times each. Use both straight arms and bent. CHALLENGE MOVE- As you are walking bend arms in runner position-bent arms ready to pump air. Do “kick backs” to work the back of your arms. This one, do continually for best results. 😊
- Standing Trunk Rotations
Great spinal rotation and core stretch! In a standing position, bend arms 90 degrees, palms up in light fist. Twist fully left and right 10 times per side. BONUS- stretch arms out for a reach. BONUS 2: Pivot your weight for a powerful punch as you twist. These add up! You will feel it the next day and wonder, “What did I do to get sore?” BONUS 3: Lift knee and touch with the opposite elbow as you twist. So, lift left knee, twist left, touch with your right elbow. CHALLENGE-do a set of 10 of each one of these in succession!
- Standing Donkey Kicks
Anytime you find yourself standing-at the copier, washing dishes, at a cash register at work simply add a well executed donkey kick. Bend knee 90 degrees. Lift up, leading with your heel. This is also a great stretch break at your desk. Pop off 10 on each side. Guarantee you will feel your pulse pick up. BONUS-great for when you are falling asleep at your computer!